Access to Park
Posted by admin on Sunday, 29 March 2020The government is asking everyone not to drive unless absolutely necessary. People can no longer use the car parks at the park. Pedestrians (and their dogs) are welcome to exercise.
The government is asking everyone not to drive unless absolutely necessary. People can no longer use the car parks at the park. Pedestrians (and their dogs) are welcome to exercise.
Please see the latest government advice.
With regret we have reached the decision to suspend the paper copies of our Village News for the time being. We feel that collection and distribution represents an unacceptable risk to both households and distributors in the present situation. We know that many folk enjoy the Village News and it would have been nice to continue the service, particularly for those who aren't into the Internet. We would like to say thank you to Karen and Hugh and also to Stuart who has assisted with the editing.
I am told that there were several burglaries overnight in Prestbury, due to people leaving their windows open overnight.
Gloucestershire County Council has been awarded £219m to upgrade junction 10 on the M5 to four ways.
The litter pick that I organised on behalf of Swindon Parish Council is POSTPONED.
The Cheltenham Gold Cup race meeting takes place from 10th to 13th March.
Local residents have experienced severe disruption as a result of the demolition of the former Vibixa site. I am in communication with the Project Manager of the works.
The above consultation ends today. The Parish Councillors met specifically to discuss this initiative and wrote this letter to Cheltenham Borough Council.