Heritage Days

For many years now cities and town across England have opened the doors of their historic buildings, once a year, for the benefit of the public. As part of this initiative Cheltenham Civic Society are organising a series of visits to important local sites of interest.

The JCS and the Cheltenham Local Plan

Local organisations and individuals have been participating in the independent review of the JCS. So far we get the impression that the inspector is acting very fairly and has made a lot of criticism of the JCS. Decisions are not expected until end of the year or in Spring 2016.

Another key ingredient in this is the Cheltenham Local Plan. The Parish Council developed a local green space application to be considered as part of our town’s local plan. The Parish Council is trying to protect the green fields around the village because they are so important for the identity of the village and provide a beautiful place for walking, running and observing nature.

Cheltenham Local Plan

A first draft of the Cheltenham Local Plan will be the subject of a consultation running from 22nd June to 3rd August. The Cheltenham Local Plan is intended to guide development in Cheltenham up to 2031.
