M5 Junction 9 Consultation

A wide variety of route options have been considered and technically assessed for suitability. The County Council is now sharing these options with stakeholders, local communities and the public during the engagement exercise. This is the first stage of public engagement, with feedback being used to inform further options refinement and shortlisting. A preferred route option would only be identified following future public consultations.

The scheme proposes the development of a new M5 Junction 9a near Tewkesbury and the re-routing of the existing A46 around Ashchurch to Teddington Hands roundabout. This would divert long distance traffic away from the existing A46, including heavy goods vehicles. In turn, this would reduce traffic on the existing A46 through Ashchurch, allow local improvements for cycling and walking to take place and enhance the local environment. In addition, the new rerouted A46 would improve journey times and road safety.

The consultation can be accessed here.
