Christmas Tree Festival 2015
Twenty-two Christmas trees and not a bauble in sight! Such was the ingenuity and originality of the tree decorators. The trees twinkled and you could feel the Christmas magic in the air. Several visitors commented that the trees were some of the best they’d seen.
Some trees displayed just one season while others carried the changes from one season to another. The Scout group, combined Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, decorated a set of four trees with reasons why they liked each season. Trees from the church choir and Together at Ten Thirty showed the church seasons and Rev Liz included a paper model priest showing the different colour vestments worn at the different seasons. The Art & Craft Club tree came top in “the people’s vote”. It was a wooden construction, two flat tree shapes slotted together at right-angles to make it 3-dimensional, giving it four sections, each of which was decorated with seasonal landscapes; the springtime sheep were particular favourites.
Of course, there’s always one joker in the pack. This time it was a young man who decorated his tree with herbs and spices jars from his mum’s kitchen and called it “Seasoned Greetings”!
All the trees were wonderful and it wouldn’t be fair to try to pick any out for special mention. If you haven’t been to one of our Christmas Tree Festivals just don’t miss the next one!
The three Christmas hampers in the raffle were won by Tim Courtney, Barbara Blackall and Sarah Wood. The event raised £612 for the church building fund but, more importantly, it was a great weekend and a fantastic start to the Christmas season. Thank you so much to everyone who helped in any way.
-- Karen Evans