Picnic in the Park

In celebration of the Queen's platinum jubilee a FREE Picnic in the Park is being organised in Swindon Village Park (Wymans Lane/Church Road) on Saturday 4th June.


With the relaxation of remaining coronavirus-related restrictions the Community Hub, established to provide support to people during the pandemic, has now closed.

The Digibus

The Digibus will be at Swindon Village Hall on 23rd February. The double decker bus has been kitted out with computers and technology. If you want to brush up your computer/tablet/smart phone skills book a FREE one-to-one session with a trainer. Booking ahead will guarantee that you won’t have to wait. Call 07878 250 111. The phone line is open Monday to Thursday between 9 am and 12 noon. Outside of these hours please leave a voicemail and they will call back or text to confirm the booking.

Alternatively, visit their website (https://yourdigibus.com/), choose a time, date and location that works for you and complete the contact form.

Swindon Farm (Elms Park)

The Parish Council has worked hard to prepare comments on the Swindon Farm/Elms Park planning application (20/00759/FUL). You can read their comments here. Despite the fact that a deadline of 27th January was given for comments the developer has released another six documents, three of them today. The planning officer at Cheltenham Borough Council is Emma Pickernell (Emma.Pickernell@cheltenham.gov.uk).
